About YouTeaching Level *KinderPrepPrimarySecondary and HigherMain Subject You Teach *MathsScienceEnglishOtherYears in Teaching *Less Than 5 YearsBetween 5 to 10 YearsMore than 10 YearsHave you used Augmented Reality (AR) Applications? *Yes. In class lessons.Yes. But never used in class lessons.NoMITIGATING ENGAGEMENTThe first set of questions are about student disengagement. As a teacher (educators) how do you mitigate (address) students who are disengaged in class.CONVERSATIONSA1. Have constant conversations with students during class lessons. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsMOVEMENTSA2. To have students move around the classroom while performing learning tasks. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsNOTES & REFLECTIONSA3. To have students write their short reflections / notes on the learning tasks. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsEYE CONTACTA4. To have students maintain eye contact during learning tasks and activities. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsPOSITIVE RELATIONSHIPA5. To maintain a positive student teacher relation during class lessons. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsTECHNOLOGYA6. Use digital technologies like mobile tablets / iPads in classroom teaching. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsCOLLABORATIONA7. Having students work to collaborate / discuss in groups. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsREADINGA8. Use of reading as a means to enhance engagement on learning topics. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsDISCOVERY LEARNINGA9. To ask students discovery/exploratory related questions in classroom lessons. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsREWARDSA10. Use small rewards (e.g.“stars”) for students who actively listen to teacher’s instructions. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsMEASURING ENGAGEMENTThe 2nd set of questions are about measuring student disengagement levels. As a teacher (educators) how do you measure the level of disengaged students in class.TIME ON TASKB1. Measure time spent on tasks during learning and activities. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsREFLECTIONSB2. How many times does the student write notes or reflections on their learning and activities. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsATTENTION SPANB3. How often does student looks away and not focus on the tasks during learning. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsFEEDBACKB4. How often does the student asks questions during class lessons and activities. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsUSE OF TECHNOLOGY DEVICESB5. The number of times a student utilise digital devices (computers, iPads etc.) during class lessons. *AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeCommentsEND OF SURVEYYou may review the responses now and click "SUBMIT" to confirm submit. Thank You!Email AddressSubmit